Cardiovascular Related Diseases. Genetics play an important role but not nearly the same role as diet.
- Heart Disease
- Of the 198 patients with CVD, 177 (89%) were adherent. Major cardiac events judged to be recurrent disease totaled one stroke in the adherent cardiovascular participants—a recurrent event rate of .6%, significantly less than reported by other studies of plant-based nutrition therapy. Thirteen of 21 (62%) nonadherent participants experienced adverse events.
- Low Sample size, but still demonstrated 100x difference between control group and treatment group. Nearly completely reversible in the timescale of <2 years, biggest thing to me - most extreme reduction and most americans die of this).
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Alzheimers
- Diabetes
Lowering Risk of Cancer (overall ~20% reduction, more or less depending on type of cancer)
General Mortality
Lobbying for pro meat/dairy/egg Nutrition Science
Historical Evidence (I don’t think this is very strong evidence, but this is the type of argument every paleo type diet uses)
- Healthiest diets are basically those that are higher % vegan calories:
- As proportions of total caloric intake, foods in the traditional Okinawa diet included sweet potato (69%), rice (12%), other grains (7%), legumes including soy (6%), green and yellow vegetables (3%), refined oils (2%), fish (1%) and seaweed, meat (mostly pork), refined sugars, potato, egg, nuts and seeds, dairy and fruit (all <1%)